Are you itching to get your skiing fix? Want to take advantage of the opportunity to improve your race skills with some summer coaching? Then now is the time to sign up for Summer Race Camp! There is one camp session left so don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

Coach Robert Baker and Siskiyou Shasta Alpine are excited to invite you to join this summer’s SSA Mt. Hood Summer Ski Camp! Timberline Ski Resort has been in this winter’s storm path and fortunately is still inundated with snow so mark your calendar for the last summer ski camp session!

SSA Camp focus: Skill development for each individual athlete based on their personal needs with GS and SL training. Athletes will work on developing a balanced stance while performing drills, training on the race course and directed free skiing. When gate training, racers will work on personal tactics for that discipline.
Afterward in Government Camp the afternoon will consist of dry land training, video review & analysis, athlete lead ski waxing and assisted tuning if necessary for a comprehensive program.
Lastly but definitely not least sprinkle in camaraderie and a whole lot of fun with the other kids while learning a ton. The racers will have a ball. Come join us!

Camp dates: Thursday August 28th to Monday September 1st
Price : $55 per day X 5 days on snow = $275

Please note: We are extremely flexible and will make anything work for any athlete. If an athlete cannot attend all 5 days we will find a prorated rate and will work everything else out. We just want to see all kids skiing and enjoying!

If you or someone you know is interested and would like more information please send an email to:

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call or email!

Now get skiing!

Candy Barnard
MARA Parent Coach