
The yearly budget of MARA covers many things, equipment (gates, drills and video cameras), behind the scenes stuff like insurance, banking fees and web hosting, and the most important item is coaching. Coaching and the overall MARA experience is the primary product MARA offers, and our coaches are top notch. They have the technical abilities to deliver progression based training to your athletes, and they are all great, energetic people too. They create an enjoyable learning environment facilitating growth in skiing ability while having fun.

We have a great staff and are able to offer their services for far less than each athlete would pay for an equal amount of ski school lessons. We are also very competitive to the rest of the clubs in the Pacific Northwest and Far West Regions. In every category, our fees are below the average of the clubs surveyed.

We have worked very hard to reduce the overall MARA program costs and therefore are able to offer discounted rates for 2015-2016.  We also are working very hard to provide a quality introductory experience to get new athletes to join the MARA family.  We will be offering the 6 week Intro Program for $199 and this program is available to athletes new to MARA.

The MARA Scholarship Fund was created to address needs based assistance. Applications are available in the Forms/Waivers/PDFs section at the right of the page. Holiday Camp is also included in the fees for 12 week and full-time athletes.

Read more about Financial Assistance here.


Enrollment in Now Open!


     PROGRAM FEES                                           Price

Intro 6 weeks (Sat or Sun Only — 1st time participant) $199 $310

9 Weeks / 1 Day (Sat only or Sun only)                         $399 $465

12 Weeks / 1 Day (Sat only or Sun only)                       $529 $620

12 Weeks / 1 Day Freeride (Sat or Sun)                        $529 $620

12 Weeks / 2 Day (Sat and Sun)                                    $999 $1235

12 Weeks / 3 Day (Sat & Sun + 1 other full day) *       $1298 $1725

    * Requires sufficient athlete participation numbers

Thursday Night Gates                                                    $199 $310

Masters (1 day)                                                              $199 $310

Masters (1 day with 1 child or grandchild in MARA)        $99


Holiday Camp option is included in 12 week program.


Important Notes:

Lift tickets and race fees are not included in the MARA program fees.

All MARA families are required to submit a $100 work deposit check. The money can be earned back by working 6 hours at MARA races during the season.

All MARA families are required to submit a check for $150 or provide an item valued at $150 or more to the MARA auction.

In the event of a non-season, due to ongoing administrative expenses MARA reserves the right to withhold up to 20% of program fees as an administrative fee.